In order to avoid a potential second wave of COVID-19, the Laos Ministry of Health’s Department of Hygiene and Health Promotion (DHHP), with support from WHO, has provided guidance and training to enhance environmental cleaning and disinfection practices in business settings. Training was provided in April and May during the lockdown in anticipation of businesses reopening under a “new normal.” Through combined efforts of the Ministry of Health, WHO, USAID, and Save the Children, training was offered in seventeen provinces. There provincial and district health officers, as well as staff from the water authority (NAMSAAT), were trained on use of personal protection equipment, cleaning, and disinfection of premises. A printed copy of standard operating procedures (SOP) was shared and disseminated to businesses and public authorities to guide and inform improved cleaning practices. The local hotel association, NGOs and other business association were also involved in supporting implementing these enhanced cleaning procedures. The DHHP, WHO, and USAID will support follow-up visits to monitor cleaning procedures.
Read more about WHO’s response to COVID-19
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